I3E Final conference was held in Athens, Greece
The final I3E conference was successfully organized in the premises of Corallia Athens InnoCenter on May 28th, 2012 in Athens, Greece. The event was entitled as "Research and Innovation in High Added Value Sectors - Paradigm for Competitiveness and Growth" and at disseminating the main project results, i.e. the Strategic Research Agenda in the sectors of Embedded Systems and Industrial Informatics and the Methodology Guide on Innovation, built during the three year long project duration.
The conference was organised in different sessions:
Session 1: Policies promoting Research and Innovation
Session 2: I3E Project Main Achievements
Session 3: Networking with Successful Experiences and Projects in South East Europe
Session 4: Influencing Policies on Research and innovation at a National Level
All partners in the project consortium had speeches during Sessions 1, 2 and 3, concerning project results or innovations in the sector. The last forth Session was round table - representatives of state administration and policy makers shared their vision about current status in South East Europe.
The conference was closed with visit to Corallia Exhibition Area.
You can download Strategic Research Agenda in the sectors of Embedded Systems and Industrial Informatics (SRA) here.
You can download Methodology Guide on Innovation (MGI) here.