Foundation “ICT Cluster” organised workshop in the framework of the project IMAGINE in partnership with Agenzia per lo Sviluppo dell'Empolese Valdelsa
02/29/2012Foundation “ICT Cluster” organised a workshop within the project IMAGINE in cooperation with Agenzia per lo Sviluppo dell'Empolese Valdelsa. The subject of the workshop was "IMAGINE a Future for the Cluster Approach". IMAGINE - Innovations for a "Made Green in Europe” is financed by European Commission within the framework of a Program Competitiveness and Innovations - Eco-Innovation Market Replication Initiative.
Participants in the workshop were experts from the state administration and representatives from clusters in the area of industry and textile. Representative of Foundation “ICT Cluster” has made a presentation about the activities of the foundation and projects that it is involved. Representatives from Association “Srednogorie, Med Industrial Cluster” and Specialized Cluster “Institute of Clothing and Textile – Danube” from Bulgaria have also made presentations.
The Italian Partners represented the main aims of the project which are relevant to promote the environmental innovation for the organizations operating in various phases of the fashion supply chain in small and medium enterprises.
The event took place in Sofia, Grand Hotel Sofia on 21 February 2012.
For more information visit the following website: