17 Apr-2013

On 17th April 2013 ABC and Cluster House signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the organization of the 4th Balkan Black Sea Cluster Conference "DAYS of Clusters 2013"

On 17th April 2013 Bulgarian Association of Business Clusters and Cluster House, a national platform for the development of clusters in Nis signed a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the organization of the 4th Balkan Black Sea Cluster Conference "DAYS OF CLUSTERS 2013" in Sofia.

The Memorandum was signed by Mr. Peter Statev, Chairman of Bulgarian Association of Business Clusters and  chairman of Bulgarian ICT Cluster  and Mrs. Danka Milojković, director of Nis Cluster House and the President of the National Council for Clusters. The meeting was attended by Mr. Ventsislav Stoev, President of the Medical Tourism Cluster of Bulgaria, Mrs. Anna Naydenova, Project Manager of Bulgarian ICT Cluster, Mr. Dejan Vratonjić, head of the Working Group on the design of the National Council for Clusters of Belgrade, Mr. Igor Vijatov, Director of AC clusters Serbia And Mr. Goran Zlatković, Chairman of the Board Association LEDIB Cluster and Cluster House Executive Director.

At the meeting the partners discussed the conference program and organizational aspects.

The focus of this year's conference is the national and regional cluster development policies as key factors in creating the environment in which clusters operate.
The conference will take place on 31st October – 1st November 2013 in Sofia and will include plenary sessions, C2C and B2B matchmaking.

The most successful cluster managers, policy makers, representatives of European Commission will be invited to participate in the event.  It is expected more than 200 participants and more than 50 clusters in the region to attend.

Information about the conference will be available on the website .


9 Apr-2013

John Atanassov аwards 2013

On 4 April 2013 the contest for the Presidential awards "John Atanasov" was opened. Awards will be given in the following categories:

  • Award "John Atanasov" for promising young researcher in the field of information and communication technologies.
  • Charts "John Atanasov - for application of scientific achievements in practice and projects with high public importance"
  • Charts "John Atanasov - students and their teachers"

Detailed information about awards, the rules of the committee's work and the criteria for evaluation of applications can be found here:

Further information and assistance can be obtained at: 02/923 91 06 and e-mail:

29 Mar-2013

Mr. Peter Statev present the opportunities for regional IT sector development on the event „IT Bridge - CONNECT”

Mr. Peter Statev was a lector in Turkish – South East Europe and Black Sea Regional ICT B2B Event „IT Bridge - CONNECT”, which was held on 19 – 20 March in Izmir, Turkey. He made a speech for opportunities for regional IT sector development.

Тhe objective of this B2B event was to identify regional opportunities, discuss market trends in the ICT sector and catalyze active networking and business opportunities. It aimed to help entrepreneurs from SEE and BSEC region get better understanding of what it take to do business in Turkey and conversely aims to help Turkish entrepreneurs establish links with the new markets in South Eastern European and Black Sea countries.

18 Mar-2013

Mr. Peter Statev was speaker at HOMSEC 2013

The fourth edition of HOMSEC, The International Trade Fair of Security and Defense Technologies, took place from 12 to 15 March in Madrid. It was positioned as a networking platform that facilitates interaction of companies and institutions. Over the years, HOMSEC has become the foremost trade show in Spain for the sectors of security and defence. Thanks to support from Spain's Ministry of Defence as well as Ministry of Home Affairs, HOMSEC 2013 had been attended by official delegations representing armed forces and security corps from around the world - more than 48 official delegations from 20 countries.

Mr. Peter Statev Chairman of ICT Cluster, was speaker at the extensive conference programme of Homesec 2013. He made a speech in Panel 6: Industrial Innovation – Security and Defence clusters, which main objectives was to introduce the role of security and defence clusters for industrial innovation and to learn from different clusters how they interpret their role, and what their contributions to industrial innovation in general, and security research in specific are.

HOMSEC 2013 builds on this success with an expanded programme of activities. Apart form the conference and round tables, which gave a chance to have useful discussions, HOMESEC 2013 hosts II Atenea International congress. The event also offered its visitors a space exclusively dedicated to one-on-one meetings with exhibitors in order to provide companies with face-to-face meetings with the right person at the right companies.

11 Feb-2013

Ръководители на МСП, който желаят да интернационализират бизнеса си могат да участват по програмата Еразмус за млади предприемачи до 30 Януари 2014 г.!

Европейската програма „Еразмус за млади предприемачи предоставя възможност на неопитни предприемачи, наскоро стартирали своя бизнес да получат добри практически съвети и опит като погостуват за период от 1 до 6 месеца на успели мениджъри на компании от друга държава , членка на ЕС.

Младите предприемачи получават финансова помощ от Европейската Комисия за осъществяване на обмяната на опит.



Ползи за Успелия предприемач:

Ø  Работа със сериозен, ангажиран и мотивиран млад предприемач, който би могъл да допринесе за техния бизнес чрез новаторските си идеи и възгледи;

Ø  Увеличаване на познанията за чуждестранни пазари, установяване на бизнес контакти и увеличаване на възможностите за интернационализиране на бизнеса;

Ø  Повишаване на потенциала за растеж на компанията и възможност за директно установяване на нови бизнес партньорства директно  с млад предприемач от друга държава;

Ø  Възможност за взаимодействие с успели предприемачи от други страни, членки на ЕС и да станат част от динамична пан-европейска бизнес мрежа от успешни предприемачи;

Ø  Полза от съдействието на професионална посредническа организация за намирането на потенциален бизнес партньор и от подкрепата при установяването на взаимоотношения с младия предприемач.



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Успешни истории

Успешните истории на участниците в програмата  можете да намерите на:  


Краен срок за участие: м. Януари 2014 г. 


За повече информация за програмата, процеса на кандидатстване и необходимите документи, моля отворете прикачения файл или се свържете с:


Фондация «ИКТ Клъстер»

Красимира Шиндарова

Координатор проект „Еразмус за млади предприемачи”

Тел: +359 2 489 97 44




7 Feb-2013

The European Seal of e-Excellence will be part of CeBIT Hannover

The European Seal of e-Excellence will be held the 5th March 2013 at the Open Stage of the CeBIT, Hannover, Germany. First we want to invite you at this unique event. Our sponsor Deutsche Messe made available for you and your network free e-tickets for a day. Follow this link:

5 Feb-2013

International brokerage ICT Event – Future Match 2013, CeBIT , Hannover, Germany, 5 – 9 March 2013

Enterprise Europe Network in partnership with ICT Cluster, Bulgarian Association of software companies (BASSCOM) and Bulgarian association of information technologies (BAIT) organized international Brokerage Event Future Match 2013 (, which will take place on CeBIT, Hannover, Germany, 5 – 9 March 2013.

Future Match will give you the opportunity to meet providers of new ICT services and technologies from all over the world at one place; to find customers for your products; to realize successful business contacts for different kinds of cooperation.

At Future Match 2012 participated over 390 organizations form 39 countries, and there was more than 1500 business meetings held between them. This year participants could take the advantage to arrange individual meetings with experts on Intellectual property on IPR Helpdesk. Registered participants could use a booth with all technical equipment for their business meetings. 

How to participate?

1. Register on Future Match 2013 (;
2. Publish your business profile till 18 February 2013;
3. You can arrange meetings with business partners during CeBIT trough online catalogue till 24 February 2013. After meeting confirmation, participants will receive individual schedules.   
4. Participation fee – 110 euro (including VAT) with ticket for exhibition.

28 Jan-2013

ICT Cluster is partner with TU Sofia and NBU in implementation of two project for updating of curriculums

ICT Cluster will take part in two projects under Operational Programme “Development of human resources” 2007 – 2013 in partnership with TU Sofia (Faculty of Telecommunications, Faculty of Industrial Technology and Faculty of Electronics) and New Bulgarian University (Faculty of Telecommunications). The projects are approved for financing under measure BG051PO001-3.01.7 „Improving the quality of education and training in correspondence with the labour market needs for building a knowledge-based economy”.

The activities under this project are aiming to update curriculums in universities in order to correspondence to the real market needs. With its expertise in telecommunications and microelectronics ICT Cluster will contribute to the research and analysis of market needs and approbation of the new curriculums in the academic environment. This will create links between business and academia.

19 Nov-2012

Mr. Peter Statev was speaker at SEE Broadband Conference

South East Europe Broadband Council organized central annual event, conference with exhibition, which together unit all stakeholders involved in broadband and digital services development. The event took place in hotel Alexander Palace in Skopie, on 14- 15 November 2012.

The conference and exhibition was consisted of presentations and panel discussions, mainly elaborating the development of broadband services and digitalization in every aspect from social importance to creating national strategies, creating new business opportunities and investments in the region. The chairman of ICT Cluster - Mr. Peter Statev - had a speech about Digital Agenda for Europe and Bulgarian broadband initiative during the conference. The other speakers in the event were Mr. Ivo Ivanovski – Minister of Information Society and Administration of R.Macedonia, Mr. Robert Ordanovski – Director of Agency for Electronic Communications of R.Macedonia, Dr. Roger Blakeway – President of SCTE, Mr. Vujica Lazovic – Deputy prime minister of Montenegro and Ms. Sanja Bozik – Project manager of Httpool Macedonia.

At the exhibition were involved the major players from the region – mainly companies from Macedonia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Albania, India etc. Bulgarian cluster Telecommunications was an exhibitor in the event.

9 Nov-2012

Association of business clusters (ABC) has a new management board

General assembly of Association of Business Clusters (ABC) was held on 8 November 2012 in Grand Hotel Sofia.

There was voted changes the number and members of the Management Board and the Control Council of the Association. Mr. Peter Statev, Chairman of ICT Cluster was unanimously chosen for Chairman of management board of ABC. Mr. Peter Belev from Bulgarian cluster Telecommunications is the new Chairman of the Control Council of the Association.  

Six new clusters was adopted for membership in ABC: Bulgarian cluster Telecommunications, ICT Cluster Plovdiv, Electric vehicle industrial cluster, Cluster for health tourism Bulgaria, Cluster Microelectronics and Embedded systems, Srednogorie Med Industrial cluster, Bulgarian ecology cluster, Cluster Plovdiv – ancient and creative and Bulgarian consortium of high-quality wine producers Trakia becomes associated members of ABC. 

Representatives of public administration were guests to assembly:  Mr. Dimitar Milenkov from Presidency of Republic Bulgaria, Mr. Kiril Geratliev – Director of Directorate “General European Funds for competitiveness” and experts from Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism.

The new Management Board of ABC and Mr. Kiril Geratliev – Director of Directorate “General European Funds for competitiveness” express their willingness for dialogue aiming at development of clusters in Bulgaria and creating of sustainable cluster policy.

7 Nov-2012

Seal of e-Exellence has new vision

Visit the new brand European Seal of e-Excellence website and apply to become part of the exclusive CLUB OF e-EXCELLENCE.

The European Seal of e-Excellence is looking for companies that have successfully translated an innovative idea into a valuable and bankable product/service that has an excellent track record in the market.

Apply now online at

Deadline: 30 November 2012.

26 Oct-2012

ICT Associations set up E-Government working group

During January 2012 representatives of five IT Associations set up Expert working group till E-Government Council or so called “Expert working group on E-Government”.